20 Days CIBTAC Diploma in Stone Therapy + Anatomy & Physiology

Price: $ 2565.00

Exam date: January 2025 | Registration for these exams will be open from August 2024 to September 2024

Schedule: Monday to Friday, 9.00 AM – 4.00 PM

Saturday and Sunday time to enjoy all the splendors Bali has to offer

“The Island of the Gods”  


Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to gain a CIBTAC Qualification No previous experience necessary.

Price includes:

  • Coffee, tea or water
  • Training Manuals
  • PowerPoint presentations with your Tutor
  • CIBTAC Diploma Certificate
  • Bali BISA Certificate

Contact us for more information



CIBTAC have opened their Anatomy & Physiology Courses Online!

Now Only US$ 900.00

SKU: E36 Category: